Problem Solving In Sales – 8 Quick Steps

Sometimes in business, we come across problems. Problems that we are too close to, which can end up with us feeling “stuck”. It is almost like a puzzle, where we can see all the pieces but we don’t know how to put the pieces in the right places so they make sense. One puzzle piece that I needed problem-solving, was how to deal with a horrible client.  I recall a period where I had a web design client through my social enterprise agency. The project was straight forward, the client wanted to convert their current wix site to a wordpress and it was a referral so I couldn’t say no. It was my first 4 figure client and I was so grateful to have one after months of doing websites that were £500 or less. I could do this with my eyes closed I thought. My first thought…yes, I can actually afford to hire a dyslexic freelancer and make that social impact, the whole reason I started. And I did, I hired this young web designer and finally felt I could delegate. It felt like I had really started to make an impact, I paid my freelancer out of my own pocket because the client was taking ages to get back to me. I used my project management tools, scheduled tasks and promptly replied to emails, even implemented a service level agreement to make sure expectations were met from both sides… I initially used thrive themes but realised the quality diminished, so then I used DIVI themes and spent hours changing the content from thrive…long story short, the project didn’t work out.   What I learnt from this is to follow my instincts when my gut says something is off. I dug a little deeper to reframe this project into a positive. I realised instead of labelling the client as indecisive and not knowing what they want. I knew exactly how to get clarity from a client and learnt how to be assertive. I learnt so much wonderful things from the client like how to have difficult conversations, how to communicate with different types of people and how to solve problems. When trying to fix a puzzle, something that is a problem, it can be challenging having to figure it out, so here are some tips to solving problems in sales, in 8 simple steps: 1st Step: Identify the issues. Be clear about what the problem is. Change the language from a negative to a positive Step 2: Try to put yourself in some else’s shoe’s so you can understand everyone’s point of view Step 3: List all the possible options to resolving this … Step 4: Evaluate the options (making sure they are win-win/goal aligned) Step 5: Select the best option based on your evaluation Step 6: Write down what you have agreed (formally or informally) Step 7: Set A Deadline For When Things Should Be Solved Step 8: Take Action And Solve Your Problem (while recording progress) Logical steps help us to resolve problems that often appear illogical in nature. I had to learn who my ideal client was not, the hard way, it took me almost 6 months to resolve this project, I lost money, time and I gained a whole lot of stress. For a period of time, I absolutely loathed website design because of the experience with this client.  I do not want you to stop your heart centred mission because you can’t identify your ideal client or you take one on because you’re constantly relying on referrals. Schedule your complimentary call with me and let’s see if I can help you to stop relying on referrals and map out who your ideal clients are so you get more sales. Click here to book your complimentary slot ✊

Want to Get More Sales? Have an Unshakeable Plan

I can’t tell emphasise enough how important a plan is. I am not talking about a plan that Murdock from the A-Team made in a warehouse, that is way too calculated and between you and me it was really unrealistic ? I am talking about a simple, no fuss plan that helps you to get stuff done! To be exact this has to be an unshakeable plan (no snow globe shakedowns phase this plan). 1.  You don’t have a plan b because plan A is the only thing that matters 2. You remain firm in your beliefs that you’re helping people and not offering your service to them is the same as leaving someone to drown when you can easily help them 3. You have made your DUMB goal  so you can set and achieve any goal easily 4. You are following a daily habit consistently to make this happen, because you want this bad I just need you to remember whatever goal you ‘re aiming for right now will be achieved. You just have to stay focused on your dream, your why! Why do you want this so bad? Why do you need this to happen? Why do you deserve this? Your dream, the big why has to be all over your plan. Because that dream motivates you when your vibration is low, it helps you to stay high.  You’ve got this! Here’s to staying confident consistently ✊ Ruth-Ellen P.S. Get More Sales is my 12-week program to help you get what you want with the focus you need. Book your strategy call here

Fix up your Sales Funnel

In this episode of sales peak: My mini rant about Periscope (even though I am grateful for 1000 hearts in one stream) Why not everyone in your sales funnel is of equal value Why you need a push & pull method and how it decreases your sales cycle #getmoresales #sales
Sales peak is about inspiring you to sell daily so you can confidently increase your sales performance to #getmoresales My bite-sized inspiration will help you stay confident consistently If you want to increase your sales on your next launch then please register for the sales funnel challenge to make easy sales online it’s time to #getmoresales

How to Make Your Sales & Marketing More Effective

Lot’s of companies unwittingly help their sales and marketing team to work as separate entities rather than as a team. In the many companies, that I have had the pleasure of working with, there are often time us vs them type of scenarios going on. Marketing thinks sales people are lazy, sales teams think that marketing is clueless. Sales teams think marketing are ineffective, marketing things sales are stupid! In my Selling with Confidence programme, I work with businesses to overcome this,  so they see exponential growth, because this problem of them vs us is very common. If you work as a sole trader then this may be more of an internal struggle, a struggle you perhaps don’t even know that is going on. Never the less the struggle is real and is leading to the same result as the companies with teams if they don’t fix their gaps. This same result is low sales… There is no point implementing a marketing plan that doesn’t lead to SALES. You can’t make SALES without marketing because without marketing you’re invisible. You’ve heard it all before, I hear you. But all this MARKETING you are doing is supposed to do one thing.  MARKETING is supposed to start an ideal SALES conversation. Marketing helps your ideal customer to know, like & trust you,  if you are doing it right!   Now I have outlined the what you are doing, I want to tell you the how to adjust it for sales success:  
  • Make an agreement between your sales and marketing. I created a tool that helps me figure out how many leads I need each month in order to hit my target etc, if you don’t know your numbers you are going in blind!
  • Make sure they are creating marketing content that leads to your sales cycle so it is the obvious next logical step for your ideal client to get in contact with your sales team.
  • Use an integrated system customer relationship management tool that helps you manage your sales and marketing seamlessly so you are never missing out on opportunities
  If you want to open the dialogue for generating more sales than grab ‘Mapping Content Ideas To Your Sales Cycle’ by filling in the form below for instant access     [thrive_leads id=’1667′] Ruth-Ellen – Your Get More Sales Coach

How To Set Yourself Up For Sales Success


There are three things I am going to outline below so you set yourself up for sales success…

1.  Have a plan to pinpoint HOW you will achieve Sales Success

I know it sounds basic. But basic works. When I was tasked to bring in £12m a quarter I wasn’t told how to do it verbatim, that’s why they recruited me. They trusted that if they gave me to tools I would be able to do the job. I was given a phone, a CRM and more or less had to figure out the rest. Did I hit £12m no, my first-month heck no…but once I figured it out I hit £15m, sometimes more.

sales sucess with funnels




Because I had a plan

And I stuck to it

There are lots of people that will try and distract you with shiny balls to take you away from your plan (mainly because they want you to consume their content). But I am telling you, find someone (it doesn’t have to be me, even though I am awesome lol) and get them to help you with a plan you stick to.

2. Use social selling organic or paid to form part of your WHO in your sales success

Facebook sales post example – 

A recent look at 682 Facebook posts found that posts containing advice or teaching something
new were shared 522% more than posts that weren’t advice related. Whether it’s a recipe, a statistic, a fun fact or a brilliant insight, offering something new is a great strategy to increase involvement among Fans and also increase your standing within Facebook’s Edgerank algorithm (which increases how often your Fans see your posts on their newsfeeds!)


Create offers that are applicable to where your target audience is in their buying decision. Here is an example of offers that we have on Confident School:

20/20 sales appointments – Helps people to increase the number of sales appointments in your diary so you get on the phone with people.



The Confident Speaker – Helps people to gain the basics they need to use FB live confidently and stand out from the sea of people who Live Stream

Both of these offers very different results for my ideal clients and address very different problems. If you keep talking to your ideal client like they don’t recognise they have a problem (awareness stage) then they will start speaking to someone who is talking to them about solving their problem (decision stage).

I created 28 different content ideas that align with your sales cycle. These 28 ideas will help your ideal client in making the decision that you are the next logical step in their buyer’s journey …just pop your email address in the box below

[thrive_leads id=’1667′]

There is nothing worse than doing activities that waste your time. You have an empire to build and goals that involve more than this business. So you want to be as productive as possible.


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BS stands for other people’s business services! We don’t have to listen to anybody’s business pitch if we don’t want to! We have a choice to say no thank you, to click the x in that advert or skip ahead. So how do we become people who people WANT to listen to?

1. Listen – Many people listen with an intent to respond rather than really hear what is being said. Listen to what your target audience want via social listening then ask relevant questions!

2. Ask questions that help you clarify any assumptions that you may have about your target audience. Ask your target audience in any which way you can ie polls, surveys, emails, twitter, Facebook etc.

3. Offer value that helps people to solve a problem that stops them from progressing

4. Offer a solution based on that conversation to the exact audience you have asked.

5. Follow up with people via tools like email marketing as 4.24% buy from email and only 0.59% from social media.


3. Use Analytics to determine WHAT you should be focusing on for sales success

This will help you to concentrate on sales activities that make an impact

Here are my stats for periscope after trying for a week. Based on these stats I know what topics my audience are interested in more. What time they can join me live and which ones they are struggling with. On one particular Periscope, I got actual questions that were appropriate to the topic at hand. With more testing and monitoring I am confident I can grow this channel and will spend my time proportionately based on the return it gives me.



So there you go plan, sell and measure to make sure you set yourself up for sales success. Live Your Bliss my signature system to helping you go from where you are to living a life with ease.  Schedule an appointment to see if this system is for you, click here to find out more Selling With Confidence


Ruth-Ellen –

How To Stop Hating Your Career NOW

Are you stopping yourself from having the career you really want?

This can lead to resentment, in the following post I will give you five steps, so you know how to stop hating your career now 

I am getting married on a beach, a beach in Rio. That is the bottom line. It is a non-negotiable *mic drop*

So what?

Well…how many times have you stated what you really wanted and actually got it?

Your reluctance to build the career that you really want is fear.

When you settle for less than your expectations you leave the door open for disappointment.

Your fear of raising your prices, asking for the sale or being visible, is your fear of failure.

You’re withdrawing from the situation if you’re not approaching it.

There is no in between.

Stop avoiding failure, stop the fear, change your image, your belief, get out of your own way with these 5 tips…

[bctt tweet=”Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. – Ralph Marston” username=”iamruthellen”]

1. Get Clear – Yes clarity, the word that gets bashed around like a boxing bag. Ask yourself what you really want. Then ask yourself what you really want again. No matter what your mind feedbacks to you, remember this is what you want.

2. Don’t argue with your mind, listen to all reasons why you won’t / can’t have it. Use all that delightful, insightful feedback as intel you can use to answer your inner critic. Allow all those objections and then like Rocky Balboa make a come back with answers that leave your mind floored.

Live outside your comfort zone to get the results you seek…

3. Get into the ideal career conversations, as often as possible –
When you know all the reasons people won’t give you buy in for a promotion you can then work on ways to close your career gaps. Influencing is a daily practice. Make sure you have the right mindset to advance your career.

4. Get accountability with support – There is no point being accountable to someone who doesn’t give you the support when you feel stuck. When you get accountability with no support it is almost like going into the ring with a boxing coach that is on your competitors side. The RIGHT support stops you from making excuses.

5. Have a strategy that you have tested that works for you – Here is the thing, different strategies for your career work for you that won’t work for other people. There is a place for LinkedIn,  Instagram, a place for Facebook and a place for Pinterest. Test what works for you. Offline, online etc… whatever you use, make sure it is strategic.

Here’s to being celebrated not tolerated ✊️

Ruth-Ellen x

P.S. The Celebrated Not Tolerated Community doors are opening soon, where you get one to one implementation breakthrough sessions over 12 weeks to reprogram your mind, crush limiting beliefs and manage your energy with ease…book your breakthrough call here

3 Quick Ways To Fall Back In Love With Your Business #childsplay

Like a teenager that refuses to pull their weight when it comes to chores, a colleague who expects to reap the rewards with no return, your business can sometimes make you want to kiss your teeth at it. So let me jump into three ways to fall back in love with your business so that you are feeding positivity in to see positivity out ?

1. Fall back in love via Your Inner Rick Flair

Write 50 ways why your business kicks butt, adds value and is the best there was, the best there is and the best there ever will be Woooooo (Ric Flair). Why 50? Well, I was going to ask you do 200 like my coach told me to do years ago when I was mad at my business but I am obviously nicer 😉 via GIPHY Then do 7 days of business love mini challenge Step 1 – Pick your top 7 reasons Step 2 – Journal each day about the specific reason – bonus post one each day on social media #inlove

2. Fall Back in Love via ROI

Revive your business through getting your return on investment by making sales – Reach out to people that have engaged in your content 1. Thank them for engaging with your content 2. Ask them if they would like to join your group 3. See if they are interested in a focused mini session 4. Invite them to your program that helps to transform them

Get uncomfortable and know that you can laugh at yourself, it is a sign of maturity

A photo posted by Sales Coach for Service Based (@confidentschool) on

3. Fall Back in Love via Your Transformational Solution

Create a mind map of all the offers that help to transition your client from their current situation to a better situation. I just need you to remember whatever goal you ‘re aiming for right now will be achieved. You just have to stay focused on your dream, your why! Why do you want this so bad? Why do you need this to happen? Why do you deserve this? Your dream, the big why has to be all over your plan. Because that dream motivates you when your vibration is low, it helps you to stay high. You’ve got this! Here’s to staying confident ✊ Ruth-Ellen xx   Need more convincing as to why your business is so freaking lovable? Hop on a quick call  so you can iron out your sales strategy or close more sales!  

How To Increase Your Sales Using Your Website With Ease

First of all, let me take you through the journey people are taking when they visit your site: The person comes onto your site hoping that the search engine description and title they saw in the search results match the content on the page they have just landed on. And if it doesn’t meet their expectations (within 3 seconds or less) people jump straight off your site, this is called a bounce rate. Your job is to reduce these bounce rates. Bounce rates are as scary as Chucky (yes from Childsplay). Because Chucky doesn’t want to be your friend he wants to ruin the life of your business, your sales, which is affecting how much you love or hate your business. But this can be reduced by having a clear user experience, including copy, clear call to actions, easy to read font, clean design, etc. Now let’s get into the nitty gritty… Here are 5 ways to get more traffic: 1. When you create content, offer visitors a chance to go deeper with your content by offering them a content upgrade to learn more if they were to opt-in. This content upgrade could be a checklist, ebook etc. 2. Write skyscraper articles (Google loves them). Huh? Ok so this is a warning it is labour intensive. Step 1 – go to Buzzsumo look for your keyword you are trying to place for Step 2 –  See which one has the most shares on the social network you are present on Step 3 –  Find ways to make a better version of that content, I am talking twice as long, better images, better quotes, better attitude, just better …do it, do it now!!! 3. Tell your list that you have just written an article. But don’t just tell them, show them. Create an extract of the post and add your 2 cents as to why it will help them solve that problem. Then add a link to the rest of the article (you will be surprised at how many people don’t do this).
4. Do an MC Hammer – the ‘you can’t touch this technique’ (yes I made it up, I am an unapologetic 80’s child) is all about creating content that makes people laugh, follow you,  interact with you because you are not like the rest of the pack. Personality increases visibility and sales!
5. When creating your sales offer make sure you are telling people about your specific transformational outcome. What exactly are they going to be able to do after they finish purchasing your product or service and also make it super easy for them to buy by pasting in a direct link too 😉
There are a bunch of ways to drive traffic to your site, but your offer has to have clarity in order for people to truly get what you’re selling if you would like some help with that book a cricket 2 sales strategy call with me here
Here’s to staying confident consistently ✊ >Ruth-Ellen Your Get More Sales Coach!

Conquering Your Inner Enemy

It’s that constant inner voice that tells you that can’t,  laughs at you for trying and then like a playground bully with issues bigger than vogue does it all over again ?   [bctt tweet=” “If you fear failure, you will never go anywhere.”” username=”confidentsch”]   Do you often fight against yourself before you take the leap to do something? It is like playing basketball against yourself like these really cute Racoons ??? sidenote: I like Racoons Our own inside enemy doesn’t show up that cute. They are instead masked in doubt, fear of failure and procrastination. If there is no enemy inside then there is no enemy outside that can do us harm – Les Brown       So how do we overcome our inner enemies, well we can conquer them ? #storytime It is like the story of David & Goliath. By all odds, David was small in comparison to Goliath who was often described as being built as big as a house. However… Goliath couldn’t see very well – Specsavers wasn’t available back in the day ? Goliath wasn’t powerful – he took his perception of what people thought he could do for granted, he never trained, he never took the time to up his game. David was deadly – he didn’t just rock next to Goliath with a sling he never used, he honed his craft years before. David knew an opportunity was coming one day so he prepared for it, no matter how awkward he looked. ? [bctt tweet=”Success is where opportunity and preparation meet ?” username=”confidentsch”] So how do you know it is  your inner enemy talking and how do you beat it:
  • Action overcomes doubt!
  • Compassion overcomes anger!
  • Positive self-talk overcomes negative self-talk
What about if you feel awkward still? What makes you feel “awkward” in one season makes you powerful in the next! ✊✌️ Whether you are fighting Racoons or Goliaths, remember If there is no enemy inside then there is no enemy outside that can do you harm! Every story teaches us a lesson, gives us insight about ourselves. Which gives us the choice to use that information to reduce frustration and alleviate our expectations about life. Here’s to staying confident consistently ✊ Ruth-Ellen ? – Your Imperfect Action Strategist P.S. Live Your Bliss is my 12-week coaching program to help you get the sales numbers you want with the focus you need, so you can overcome Goliaths, Racoons or anything else that is in your way. I Want To Live In My Bliss

3 Ways To Find Your Gift

I believe that God has put gifts and talents and ability on the inside of every one of us. When you develop that and you believe in yourself and you believe that you’re a person of influence and a person of purpose, I believe you can rise up out of any situation. Joel Osteen Inspiring words right? Only if you believe them. Here is the thing. Many of us don’t really know our gifts and talents And when we do know, we don’t necessarily know what to do with them So let’s try to solve at least one of these issues now

Ways to find your gifts:

The very logical way is to find your gift is to yourself…

1. What is the one common theme that is repetitive in your life? 2. What would 5 people say about you that makes you unique? 3. What comes easy to you? What do you love to talk about?   Problem with the above method is I don’t have five people I personally want to ask to validate me (strong word I know) as more than likely I won’t believe them…  

The funner way (yes I know funner is not a word) to find your gift…

  1. Try everything (please keep it legal lol)
  2. Reflect and find out what you liked about it
  3. Do it as often as humanly possible AKA develop it, make it a habit of excellence

The third (and not for everyone) way to find your gift

Close your eyes Imagine you have just landed in airport security Exiting the airport The clerk asks: business or pleasure You reply both What does both look like? Write it down (the first thought) Then develop whatever came up
Is that it?
Erm pretty much. If you want three ways to know why you are unique check out my post on point of difference Here’s to staying confident consistently ✊ Ruth-Ellen P.S. Live Your Bliss is my 9-day program to help you get what you want with the focus you need I Want To Live In My Bliss

7 Figure Blocks – How To Overcome The Boredom of Consistency

Often we go so far ahead of our plan of action then we completely miss the goal we were supposed to be aiming for. ?
Sometimes we are two steps away to making bank AKA cash but we give up because we become disheartened. ?
There is no difference in making five figures, six figures or seven, you just have to follow the same process that made you successful. And that is where we ALL can hit a snag, Because consistency is being marketed to you as something boring, rigid.  But it doesn’t have to be… You’re the creator. You can choose to make the art of relationship building AKA serving as fun or boring as you want.
Whenever one of my teenagers come up to me and say I am bored. I ask are you bored or boring? This really challenges their thinking (as a parent I believe this is my jobs). Because this world is full of creative abundance, a never-ending stream of things to do and ways to do it.
So how can you ever be bored? How can you be bored you get to consistently create? So let’s get back in and focus on the question at hand…is your big goal stopping the milestone?  If you think as money as a tool which helps you to serve more people at a consistent level then the answer is no. However, if there is a block in the flow of this happening for you then try this…
 Self Interrogative questioning: Questions like…
Will I get an abundance of clients?
Will I hit 7 figures?
This interrogative questioning will make your mind look for the answers so you are more action orientated.Also, here are some other questions that may help:
? How many clients do I need to serve in order to hit MY weekly, monthly target?
?  Which key activities bring ME a return on MY time?
There are loads of ways to overcome the block that is stopping the flow of money. I hope those tiny little snippets helped. Make bank by concentrating on cash creation ideas and take action. You know where we are if you need us ?  (We have a FREE 1k challenge coming up if you do btw) ?

A Quick Pep Talk On Focus – 1 Video 3 Quotes & A Slap (Or 7)

According to Wikipedia Thompson was a good but not outstanding scholastic sprinter; her best result at the Jamaican Boys and Girls Championships came in 2009, when she placed fourth in the Class Two 100 metres in 12.01. In the 100 metres women’s final in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro she won the gold medal. Imagine if Thompson lost her focus just because she looked at where she was rather than where she was heading. It’s simple. When we focus on the right things, we can do great things. When we lack focus we will feel disappointed with our results.     Now here is your slap, I couldn’t choose between which slap…so enjoy via GIPHY Pep talk over! Here’s to staying confident consistently ✊ Ruth-Ellen Henry P.S. Get More SALES with Ease is my 11-week program to help you get what you want with the focus you need (income goal included) I Want To Get More Sales