
News & stuff

I’m Snapping at People for No Reason—Here’s How to Take Back Control

You’re snapping at your partner for leaving the kitchen light on. Barking at your coworker for asking a question. Even strangers on the street...

12 Types of Journaling & The Surprising Benefits of Journalling [Updated for 2024]

Bullet JournalingCreative OrganisationMindfulness and ReflectionSimplifying LifeGratitude JournalingBenefits of Gratitude JournalingHow to Start a Gratitude JournalPersonal AnecdoteCreative JournalingWhy Creative Journaling?Benefits of Creative JournalingTravel JournalingWhat is...

The Science Behind Cognitive Restructuring: How It Rewires Your Brain

Understanding Cognitive RestructuringThe Role of Cognitive Restructuring in CBTThe Science of NeuroplasticityHow Neuroplasticity WorksNeuroplasticity and Mental HealthCognitive Restructuring TechniquesIdentifying Negative Thought PatternsChallenging and Replacing...

How Emotional Contagion Shapes Our Daily Interactions [Updated 2024]

Ever wonder why you feel grumpy after spending time with someone who's complaining non-stop? Or why you suddenly feel happier around a group of...

How Self-Validation Can Help You Crush Rejection & Own Your Worth!

Join me as we delve into the profound impact of self-validation, exploring how cultivating a sense of self-worth can empower individuals to rise above rejection and emerge stronger than ever before. Are you ready to unlock the transformative potential of self-acceptance in your journey towards overcoming rejection?

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Over 90 days, we applied the Scaling Simplified™ frameworks to overhaul her approach and build systems that empowered her team and freed her time. Conducted...