
News & stuff

How Environmental Triggers Influence Rejection Sensitivity (And What To Do About It)

Have you ever felt like you're always on high alert for potential rejection in social situations? Maybe you find yourself reading into every comment...

Uncovering the #1 Mindfulness Blunder: Dodging the Rejection Sensitivity Quicksand

Are you letting your rejection sensitivity dictate your mindfulness practice? Discover the #1 mindfulness mistake to avoid for those struggling with rejection sensitivity. Over-identifying...

Beating the RSD Blues: A Cheeky Guide to Treatment Options for Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria

Are you or someone you know struggling with Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD)? The impact of RSD on emotional well-being and daily life can be...

How Self-Validation Can Help You Crush Rejection & Own Your Worth!

Join me as we delve into the profound impact of self-validation, exploring how cultivating a sense of self-worth can empower individuals to rise above rejection and emerge stronger than ever before. Are you ready to unlock the transformative potential of self-acceptance in your journey towards overcoming rejection?

Delegation for perfectionist: A Definitive Guide for those with rejection sensitivity

Delegation is a crucial skill for any leader or professional, but it can be particularly challenging for perfectionists. The desire for everything to be flawless and the fear of letting go of control often hinder the ability to delegate effectively. In this section, we will explore how to overcome perfectionism and harness the power of delegation

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Case Studies

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Women’s Fitness Business

Over 90 days, we applied the Scaling Simplified™ frameworks to overhaul her approach and build systems that empowered her team and freed her time. Conducted...