How To Dream Bigger & Achieve What You Want

Episode #8 Of The S.H.E Can Show

The S.H.E Can Show believe that labels are for jars and not for people, we share how guest shift, heal and expand so that you can do that too. Hosted by Ruth-Ellen Danquah hypnotherapist with a mission to empower all women to show up as their badass self in their business through crushing, crumbling and destroying vows to play small using hypnotherapy. Today’s show features Julie DeLucca-Collins!

Hey S.H.E Can show listeners, I am Julie, I am a dreamer, a traveler, a visionary, an adventurer, a risk-taker, a loving wife, daughter, best auntie ever, and doggy momma.

I am a lover of books, activist, philanthropist, and, most of all, a supporter of women and their dreams.

I have been a successful C level executive for 20 plus years. I started working with a life coach ten years ago, and I loved how it propelled me further into living a life I love and had imagined. My goal is to help you re-imagine your life. I have extensive experience in leadership skills, Life Coaching, and a vast history of assisting people in finding success. My individualized positivism approach will help you identify and attain your goals.

I am a certified Yoga Teacher, triathlete, and have completed segments of the Camino de Santiago.

In this episode learn about:

  • Learn about Julie’s legacy that have got her to where she is today
  • How she empowers her clients with shifts to achieve their dreams
  • What has helped Julie to overcome her own hurdles to achieving her own dreams

Journal prompts for The S.H.E Can Show Episode #8

  • How can you dream bigger so your dream becomes bigger than your fears?
  • How would my life change if I started to align my dream to my daily habits?
  • How can I start to become the confident woman that already has it all?

How Julie can help you…

“I help women identify the goals and dreams they have not accomplish, and help them create a roadmap to achieve them. I have successfully helped women re-tool their resumes, mindset and LinkedIn to find or change jobs to a career they love and excel in.”

Episode #8 Resources

Book your discovery call here to discuss how Julie can support you

On social media @nyredrose2

Listen to Julie as the host of Casa DeConfidence Podcast

Review and listen on Spotify and follow us here for future episdoes on Spotify

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