HomeBe LegendaryGet Ya MoneyForget The Beginning Make a New Ending

    Forget The Beginning Make a New Ending


    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. Maria Robinson

    So it’s mock exam results time, teenagers across the UK are crying at the results they have just received.

    Yes literally crying (I am not being dramatic), my own daughter is super stressed

    😥 They feel like they have worked their butt off and have little to show.

    😥They feel like they have failed because they have sat down, focused and sacrificed there time studying relentlessly.

    😥 They feel like they gave all they had and it wasn’t enough

    So you can only imagine the sheer disappointment and low vibe that is emitting from 15-year-olds across the country.

    But here is the thing…Test results on a piece of paper do not determine your worth

    ❎ Results from your health and fitness regime do not determine your worth

    ❎ Results from your business even if you have pushed hard and gave it all you have do not determine your worth

    ❎ The money in your bank does not determine your worth

    There are things in life that matter like…

    ✅ Your well being
    ✅ Your ability to know you are enough
    ✅ Your ability to add value to this world
    ✅ Your ability to be kind & compassionate to another race, the human race
    ✅ Your ability to be the mum that you were meant to be, the mum that your children have, not the mum they always want
    ✅Your ability to __________________ (fill in the blank)

    So let me get back on track, how do you make a new ending???? Here are some of mine…

    🤔 1. Feed your future with great intentions & commit – I gave my daughter a pep talk that was Denzel Washington level, it was from the heart, unscripted and got her out of bed (even if it was to get me to stop talking). But she committed to herself what was important and what was not.

    Give yourself the pep talk that you need, that pep talk you want to hear when you feel like giving up. Speak life into your future.

    🤔 2. Get support – I went to my daughter’s parents evening and I said so what is available to take her grades to the next level? What resources have you got? How can you tap into resources that will take you to the next level?

    🤔 3. Know what else is possible – I told my daughter you don’t go to school because school is amazing, you go to school because it is one of the ways to get to the destination of your desires. While at school you get to know more.

    We don’t build businesses to make money, money is simply a tool that helps us to transforms people’s lives. Money is energy, an exchange for services rendered. The money we generate helps others around us to elevate!

    So how do you know what is possible right now, what do you need to know? For example…

    👉 If you don’t get up and dust yourself off you will NEVER KNOW if you are 2 leads away from a customer

    👉 If you don’t get up and ask the right questions you will NEVER KNOW if your next question will lead to a breakthrough

    👉 If you don’t even play the game then you will KNOW 🤔 if it’s a game you even like

    🤷What you don’t know, you don’t know.

    Start looking at life’s challenges as an OPPORTUNITY to come back bigger and better.

    Because you were not born to live a mediocre life, no matter what you see around you, no matter the results you currently see!

    If you can master yourself you can master anything. Once you have the knowledge, it’s time to use it.

    There is no TRANSFORMATION from information if you’re not using implementation. Your new ending is just that YOURS!

    Remember Be Love, Be Brave, Be You!

    Ruth-Ellen x 🎯

    P.S. 90 Day To Sales Mastery is now open

    I teach you how to s*** or get off the toilet so you can focus on the tasks that get you more SALES and stop doing that other shit. Because wherever you go there you are.

    Give yourself fucking permission to make money

    Focus on making £5k or £10k months and don’t deviate from your path, there is a complete your shit plan especially created for when you get unfocused.

    There are several companies that I have worked with to generate over £120 million in new business sales including Canon, Hewlett Packard, Hutchinson 3G to name a few.

    Get your processes sorted so you have time to make more offers, convert more leads to conversations and get more sales.

    Below is the foundational work we do as a breakdown for those that like detail (I am more of a big picture girl, so I feel ya)

    There isn’t a day that goes by when yet another business owner decides to go and get a “real job” and packs in their dream to own their own business. I have heard so many business owners say that were at the brink of quitting because they were burnt out with all the activities like posting on Instagram, creating 1000 word posts, doing live streams that weren’t converting, the list went on.

    In our one hour kick-off session we will be going through your past stories that may be stopping you from getting the results you want today! We will explore how to be more resilient, tools we can use now to make sure we can show up in full every day so we never feel like this isn’t a “real job”!

    Never mistake activity for achievement. Your performance is a measure of your success which is highly dependent on processes. We will look at your current processes, get down and dirty and look underneath the hood of your activities. Then we will tighten up the things you are doing so you can eventually get to that 4 hour work week. It’s time to stop doing what you think you should be doing and start doing the things that bring results

    In order to close more business, you need to speak to more people. You can’t measure the success of your sales pages, lives, opt ins or videos with numbers that don’t give you a real representation of whether your audience has actually seen your offer.
    So we will be creating a plan for 30 days of content that your audience need to hear, see and feel in less than an hour and actually create your ‘I need to work with you NOW video’ that will capture your audience’s attention like they’ve been sucker punched!

    This is your Sales Training 4U coaching call session where you get training on the steps to close a call and you close me on the phone. It’s specifically tailored to you, with improv to challenge you! We will recap and I will talk you through the final key you need to unlock the Get More Sales Habits and uplevel time and time again.

    😡 COMPLETE YOUR S***: The Results, The Delete, The Repeat, The Complete!
    The no excuse session where we look back over the last two weeks, make sure the work you have done aligns with your goal and get to work on the things you still haven’t done. We look at your productivity to procrastination ratios and we get hands on and I train you so you can COMPLETE what needs doing and move YOU the fuck forward!

    90 Days To Sales Mastery WILL help you to…

    🎯Learn how to increase your momentum through your darkest days even when your life gets hectic
    🎯 Save ten hours a week
    🎯 Be crystal clear on which tasks you need to concentrate on to generate income
    🎯 Know exactly how to attract your ideal client with content that speaks to them & a process that works for you
    🎯 Have sales conversations like the boss you are which close into sales with ease


    By the end of our time together you will have systems in place to run your business smoothly and efficiently be able to take your foot off the gas, be crystal clear on what tasks generate income and master your sales!

    That’s 90 Days To Sales Mastery™ baby!


    Schedule your call to see if this amazeballs coaching program is for you by clicking on the link👉 http://bit.ly/90daysqacall

    Unlock Your Momentum Now - Limited Spots Available!

    Momentum is for those of us who struggle with rejection sensitivity and need a supportive, action-driven community to help them make consistent progress in their life, career or business. If you feel stuck, overwhelmed, or tend to avoid taking risks because of fear of rejection, Momentum is for you.

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