My mission is to help you to be celebrated not just tolerated in this world by helping you remove the labels that were meant for jars not people so that you can live an authentic life
Read other people's experiences of working with us
Wellness Expert
"Recently I have been heavy-weighted with debilitating emotions that left me feeling stuck and frazzled. Ruth Ellen comes along with her light and insight and by the end of our session, I began to experience a noticeable shift in energy that I had been plagued with for some time. I could notice the difference in my temperament.
She has a gifted way of tapping into those areas that are hidden and need deciphering with an interpretation that us ordinary folk lack. Her methods are thorough and unique where she seems to quite accurately recount segments in your life that need plugging into. My time with Ruth-Ellen was an excellent start to my day and I am forever grateful"
Founder, Charles Freeman Projects
"Ruth-Ellen’s ability to deliver engaging workshops and facilitate events has ensured the network has made a difference to attendees. Frequently she has been able to unpick challenging issues in a way is both inspiring and result in the achievement of positive change. One of Ruth-Ellen’s qualities is that she strives to ensure everyone gains value out of the meetings. Ruth Ellen is a first-class marketing professional and leader. Any business would be lucky to have her on their team"
HR Expert
"The last couple of years I’ve been challenged in all directions, and so could not recommend Ruth EllenEnough to new customers or existing. The magic morning routine has put me back into alignment and her DREAMS technique is easy to understand but very effective, be prepared to work hard but you will start to get in touch with yourself which is also the foundation and aim in life to be successful. Ruth Ellen will Hand by hand help you along this process and the support that you receive is imperative , she is outstanding in what she does all I can say is thank you Ruth Ellen, For your genuine love help and commitment to helping and changing the thoughts so progress in a positive level."
19:00 to 19:30
Learn the power of connection and how unmasking can catapult your well-being
19:30 to 20:00
Discover how you can leverage the power of connection through a break-out exercise
20:05 to 20:25
Discover how to powerfully identify the subconsious drivers which are keeping at the most shallow end of the friendship pool & how to shift this live!
20:30 to 21:00
Swipe my simple 3 step system to psychologically attract, retain & cultivate authentic connections on a daily basis
BONUS! Discount code for the 8 week Mental Fitness Program included.
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exclusive offer available until 10th april
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