How to Focus On What Lights You Up

In business we can sometimes feel like we have to carry an arsenal of tools in our backpack in order to be successful. So how do you focus on what lights you up when there are parts of you that feels obligated to do all the things?

#39 Success Principles is all about focusing on your core genius so that you can continue to be lit up, watch the video below where I discuss how to focus on what lights you up:

  • Why you don’t have to do all the things and what it really costs you when you try you
  • Why it’s not what you need love that needs work but actually the way you articulate it and why you need to change your mindset about what you want
  • How to use the do what you love and the money will follow to your advantage

find your passion by finding out what lights you up

Are you wondering what lights you up right now?

Passion is the fuel that inspires and drives people toward specific goals, no matter how unlikely or difficult they might be. It generates the enthusiasm needed to break through the biggest obstacles and overcome the most stubborn challenges. Find your passion and live on purpose.

Or get these 50 questions as a bonus when you purchase the Magical Morning Routine

What was your biggest take away?

Was it milk was passion?

Was it my scouse accent?

Was it my endless analogies?

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