Let me guess it isn’t working for you at all!

Let’s get honest, you’ve pretended for so long now that you feel disconnected.

Disconnected because you’ve been following other people’s methodology for so long that your spirit, mind, body and heart don’t even align anymore.

You’re procrastinating, doing everything and anything but living your life’s purpose.

This has resulted in you not knowing the person in the mirror who is looking back at you and you’re not seeing progress in the areas of your life that matter to you, because right now you’re unfulfilled.

I get it, you have a purpose, a purpose that will add value to the world, but when it comes to real change, real transformation, real impact, you’re going to have to rework your plan, because it isn’t working.

Your plan of action is stopping your purpose, so what needs to change?

Do you need to think smaller?

Look at your resources and be realistic?


Instead of thinking you need to change your purpose, maybe it time to change your plan so you can fulfil your purpose?

WOULD YOU RATHER spend hours, weeks, months or even years trying to figure out how to stay in alignment and purposeful by reading another book, downloading another freebie or watching another “motivational video” only to jump back into that old habit that doesn’t serve you? Or would you rather get so connected with source energy, to your higher self, that you are so cleared from blocks, so high vibe that you can’t help but be a conduit for light and love, and constantly stay on the path of fulfilling your purpose and be fully planted in your truth and highest wisdom?

Well if you want to uplevel…I have a plan😍 that will get you there.

😍 It’s systematic, it’s scientific, it’s spiritual and starts with you!

😍 It get’s you connected with your power so you always feel empowered!

😍 It get’s you bouncing back like Tigger when something out of your control happens #committed

It even makes the process of creating & selling your online products easy, because you stay high vibe! #wealthifyouwantit #bonus

And I have created this plan with 7 juicy levels that help you to go to your next level

⤴️How to set pure intentions, so you have a definite purpose – At the end of this level you will have such a compelling vision of your life that movie studios want to buy the rights without seeing the screenplay, which makes you cry every time you see, think, or talk about this vision. It even feels so real that you realise it is closer than ever before and the gap between what you desire and your vision is so close that you can almost taste it.

⤴ How to connect with your higher self – At the end of this level, you will know how to identify who you are, step into that power purposeful leader that owns their 💩shares there values, unapologetically knows what they want and breaks all their bull💩beliefs like a true warrior. You will know how to connect with your future self and never second guess your next steps or go outside of yourself for answers again, instead step into your powerful self who is super clear about living there values and the path they are on.

⤴ How to heal those wounds so you can use the scars for good- At the end of this level you will learn how to how to deliberately raise your vibration to align with an infinite supply of opportunities and wealth so you can define and commit to your goals and actually achieve them. It’s time to prioritise your life goals based on your intuition, heal those wounds, rewrite old stories, so you can get off that busy bike, create those positive triggers that enable and empower you to get more stuff done than you’ve done before with more ease

We will also open up channels to clear those 24 abundance blocks that are lowering your vibe with my super powerful (intuitive) technique that will help you move from fear to joy within seconds (nothing to do with EFT or affirmations).

⤴ How to be a firestarter – At the end of this level, you will know how to show up for yourself unapologetically, without the fear of being judged knowing that you and the universe are one. We fill you up with light and you shine a light on the darkness so you can unlock those shackles that have previously bound you. It’s time to star, write, direct and produce your own telenovelas that align with you

⤴ How to be a kingdom builder – At the end of this level know how to bring your dream into reality with kingdom building, you would have learned how to create an effective project plan that helps you map out the quickest route to achieving your goal so you never wake up feeling overwhelmed or underwhelmed or that you’re playing life by ear, this is where you deliberately create. You will be equipped and empowered with tools to create a system that leads to a mega offer, starting with a mini irresistible offer that sells so you can make a passive income and start to create wealth.

Plus lot’s lot’s more, here is a summary…

💥 7 Levels of the UpLevel To Your New Level 1:1 coaching program, everything from intention setting to connecting to your higher self, to healing your your chakras to clearing your channels to letting more flow and abundance in to using technology to knock out overwhelm, to creating and launching a mini offer – so you don’t need to worry about starting another program that isn’t in alignment with you – VALUE ÂŁ4999

💥 A complete, kingdom builder done with you, plug-and-play website for your kingdom building needs including the 3 predesigned pages, fully customisable to match your needs and brand installed for you on your own domain –  with essential plugins, conversion optimised design – so you don’t need to worry about any tech stuff- + ONE YEAR hosting for a year on a Site5 server (you can switch to any other hosting at any time, or continue after the free year for ÂŁ9/month) – VALUE ÂŁ 2999

💥 A focus pocus workshop to help you to live in alignment with your values (and stay high vibe) so you can attract your desires consistently – VALUE ÂŁ499

💥 Lifetime access to 7 custom-created HYPNOTHERAPY audios for each level of the UpLevel Your New Level Program – VALUE ÂŁ299

💥 Lifetime access to 7 custom-created emotional freedom transformations for each level of the UpLevel Your New Level Program – VALUE ÂŁ999

💥 Distant Crystal Reiki healing session using a crystal grid to help to power up your intentions – VALUE ÂŁ299

💥 100 affirmations to raise your vibrations & heal your chakras – VALUE ÂŁ99

💥 Emotional freedom transformation session on speaking with confidence on camera so your videos/Facebook lives rock – VALUE ÂŁ299


7 DAYS TO UNLOCK MY MONEY BLOCKS – Grab your session to clear those blocks that are stopping you from not only making money but also accumulating wealth (even if you have never heard of money blocks) – VALUE ÂŁ499


You do NOT want to find yourself in the same place next year… Right?

The ONLY way to ensure this doesn’t happen is through purposeful aligned action.

This is how you achieve PROGRESS PEACE & live your life on PURPOSE

It’s not what you KNOW, it’s what you DO with what you know.

All of that amazing, creative, inspiring, potentially life-changing power inside of you that you keep in your head is not going to work unless YOU TRUST YOURSELF.

Isn’t it time for you to LIVE YOUR LIFE ON YOUR TERMS?

Isn’t it time for you to STEP INTO WHO YOU WAS MEANT TO BE?


How about that time being today?

Today where eventually one step becomes another step, until you look back (just for a second) and you realise you’ve just REWROTE ALL THOSE OLD STORIES???

And your old unhelpful thoughts and fearful ways become nothing more than a distant memory?

And the day you said YES to becoming YOU becomes the day you made the BEST DECISION EVER for YOURSELF and YOUR LEGACY?!?!

Let’s make that day TODAY!!!


No More Second Guessing!

Click SEND ME A MESSAGE if you are done settling and you are ready for some uplevelling


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