Are you failing to achieve the goals you desire because you are so attached to the belief you need to work hard for it?

Constantly feeling sluggish one week and energised the next?

Jumping from one thing to the next hoping and praying that the thing you do will have all the answers, give you that breakthrough?

Getting anxious and doubting your ability to get to your desires from one day to the next?

Do you want a life where you wake out of bed energised and happy as a grinning Cheshire Cat because you’re living an aligned life?

Perhaps you want a life where you get to travel the world while experiencing a different culture with so much curiosity

Perhaps you want to fly a kite in Blackheath park for hours?

Maybe you want to rescue Cats or even heal people’s guts through hugs!

Whatever life YOU want

YOU deserve to have it


Yesterday I was at a conference filled with amazing women and was speaking to one woman in particular who stood out…

She was talented

She was smart

She was inspiring

But she was broke

Constantly going from project to project not knowing if she would generate enough income for her family

She believed ÂŁ10,000 was her normal, not for the month, but for the year, for the last 10 years!

She believed her work was a labour of love so not receiving money for it was normal

I get it

I used to serve a community of over 800 people in 12 months but only generated ÂŁ100 of sales because I believed in my “labour of love”

I love being able to do my charitable work, be a contributor, not just a consumer and for a long time I had the same mindset

And I used to be that woman who lived way beneath her means, that put herself last

The woman who said, it’s ok, things will eventually change

One day I will get paid for all of this

One day I will he will say I am good enough

One day people will see how brilliant I am at what I do

But you know, nothing changed until I decided to change

I decided to change my marriage

I decided to change my lifestyle

I decided to shift my mindset

I changed my energy

I decided what I had, wasn’t good enough because I was, am and will always be good enough!

I wanted to change more women’s lives so that they can be free in all aspects of their mind, body and soul and experience financial freedom

In order for me to help others, I knew I had to help myself first

I had to put the life jacket on first because I knew I couldn’t swim without it

I knew I deserved more than scraping by

I deserved to honour my life instead of waiting for my then husband or my then employer or someone else to see me

Because waiting to be recognised for my brilliance, beauty, talent and for others to honour me was no longer a game I wanted to play

I deserved to be wealthy

I deserved to live a life of abundance

I deserved to make an impact but also to make an INCOME

The lady I spoke to yesterday deserves this and more

And you know that you deserve this and more too don’t you?

So I will ask again..What life do YOU want?

Do you really want to be where you are 10 months from now, let alone 10 years because if you are not clear about the life you want

YOU could still be scraping by

Let’s face it, you are settling

And you already may know why

You are not taking consistent action towards your D.E.S.I.R.E’s

And that is why you are NOT going to get the life you want

I know it can sound scary to go for what YOU want

I mean what if you fail

What if you fall flat on your face

But what if…


Because when you keep on choosing you, YOU never fail!

It’s time to go for what you want!

What type of life do you want?

The easy work starts with shifting your energy so you choose YOU over and over again. Lucky for you energy work is my jam, which means choosing YOU becomes easy!

Are you ready to choose you? Here is your first step to having the life you want >>>>

Ruth-Ellen energy work Danquah


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