God has to break you to make you, I call BS
Feeling Broken? Keep Reading To Switch That Feeling Up 👇
A few years back I got into a discussion Mark a male friend of mine who said we are all broken, he was convinced that God has to make you to break you.
I said nope
Yes I am imperfect 💯
Broken? Nope
We were more or less meaning the same thing, but our communication, specifically our language meant that Mark’s words would result in helplessness. And that helplessness goes against the grain of what God says about you
I am strong and courageous.
Deuteronomy 31:6 – Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
The intention in our words and subsequent actions can be disempowering or empowering
You see broken is having given up all hope; despairing.the synonyms of broken is: defeated, beaten, vanquished, overpowered, overwhelmed, subdued;
I will say it again being broken is BS
If you’re broken you will feel like a great force is going to save you someday, 🤔 last time I checked someday didn’t appear anywhere in the days of the week.
🤷Like that book, you’ve got inside you that will help defeat the shackles of shame for someone out there that is stuck in a loop of unforgiveness
🔥Like that course you’ve got inside that will catapult someone else’s life to another level with the knowledge and experience you share
🔥 Like that lifestyle change that you stuck to for a week before going back to your old ways
Now being imperfect is about humility and not doing this in your own strength but in the strength of God/Universe, that is different to being broken
When you choose to be imperfect and to send fear home and tap into the power that is higher than yourself, tap into the power of God, when you step in the power he has given you, step out in confidence and show up as the brave being you are, things just shift 🔥
Now I am not religious, but I know there is a power greater than me. Too many out there have already been set free but are still living like they’re not free, freedom has already been given the mission is over. We must remember freedom is a continuous process that needs to wash over us daily through our words, thoughts, actions.
🙏Freedom is not in your finances, you already have freedom, be grateful to what you have and what you have will increase
🙏 Freedom is not in what you do, you already have freedom by owning who you are
🙏Freedom is not in another person giving you permission to be you, you can decide at anytime to give yourself permission
What process are you following to remember you have freedom?
How is that working for you?
God doesn’t have to break you to make you, that old paradigm is complete BS and is not how unconditional love (what you are given freely) works.
You are not broken
You are imperfect
You have freedom
Now it’s time to free your THOUGHTS, WORDS & take ACTIONS that align with the life you were destined to have.
ACTIONS bring results one way or another.
💥Declare it today: I choose to be imperfect, to live a life of freedom 💥
2 Timothy 1:7 – For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
Have you read this and felt a shift, comment below, let me know what came up for you
Ruth-Ellen x
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