How To Create A Mastermind To Shift Your Success | Success Principle #46

In Success Principle #46 we are talking about how to create a mastermind. Firstly I first came across the concept of creating a mastermind from Napolean Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich which is a classic, go read it. Secondly I have been in a few masterminds which reflecting back took some concepts from the mastermind and so I will be sharing my experience throughout this post.

Why would you want to create a mastermind?

Here are just a few reasons

  • Accountability.
  • Regular connection.
  • Networks beyond your own to tap into.
  • A chance to learn from other businesses and leaders.
  • A confidential & inspirational space to discuss challenges and problems.

No one has ever become successful by themselves, being self-made is a myth because everyone we have ever met is a teacher because they teach us lessons that help us grow, which makes us who we are.

Masterminds help you connect with teachers in a more structed way so you grow with intention, faster.

What Exactly Is A Mastermind?

A mastermind is a group of peers who regularly meet in order to give each other guidance, advice, and support. Mastermind groups helps you and your mastermind group members achieve success. When two or more people coordinate in a spirit of harmony and work toward a definite objective or purpose, they place themselves in a position, through the alliance, to absorb the power directly from the great storehouse of Infinite Intelligence.

Ideal Size of A Mastermind

How to Create A Mastermind

The quick answer is 6, the maximum 12. When the mastermind is over 12 people it can become an ineffective process. As a result people within the mastermind don’t get as much value, because of that their needs go unmet and they reduce engaging in the process of mastermind. I’ve been in masterminds with thousands of people and I can provide testimony that I minimised my sharing over time.

How Do You Choose Mastermind Members?

  1. Create a list of people that you would love in a mastermind
  2. Send out crafted emails to at least 5 of the people on your list this week.
  3. Keep it short and simple, I’m putting together a new mastermind group of like minded business owners to help each other grow our businesses. I think you would be a great fit for the group.
  4. Add a quick bio listing achievements and successes, or other members of the groups bios listing their achievements
  5. Use an app like Boomerang (for gmail) as a reminder to follow up

How Do You Create A Mastermind Meeting?

Consistency is key, allocating upto two hours every week at the same time via Zoom or hangout. The first couple of meetings could have one memeber using one hour to discuss their current situation, opportunities, needs and challenges then the next hour mini breakthroughs for each members could happen. It’s really upto you how you run mastermind meetings, but it is really important to take the lead so they are run effectively and efficiently. Here are a few guideline steps taken from The Success Principles & my own experience to help you further:

1 – Call in spiritual guidance

2 – Share the good news – What was good about the last 7 days?

3 – Allow members to confirm time needed and use a timekeeper to stick to it

4 – Listen, discuss and brainstorm – Listen to your member, ask clarifying & challenging questions, brainstorm ideas that will help the member move forward

5 – Each member will state their stretch goal commitment that they will aim to achieve in the next 7 days using the 4 W’s see in step 7. A stretch goal will help the member get to their next level of success faster but makes them a little uncomfortable

6 – End with gratitude – At the end of the meeting each person expresses what they are grateful for

7 – Be accountable – Be specific regarding end results, time frames, and expected levels of effort, use the 4 W’s  

  • What: What action needs to be taken?
  • Why: Link this action to the bigger picture so the person understand why they are important. 
  • Who: No two-headed monsters here. Only one person can be accountable per action. 
  • When: Be specific about when you want results– “next month” or “by second quarter” is not specific enough. 

Keep on reading there is more info about creating your masterminds, however, I briefly want to interject with a brief message for those that want to go to the next level

Ready To Level Up?

Are you the type of woman who wants to be unapologetic when they are visible?

Then Unapologetic Visibility Academy membership is for you:

Here is what you will get access to…

  • Weekly accountability to go from information to implementation

Daily prompts to empower you to stand in your power  and share YOUR expertise even if you get anxious on a regular basis. As an energy healer my job is to release you from emotional captivity using the tools that the universe have given me like Hypnosis, EFT, Reiki, NLP, DBT etc.

  • Being More You By Remembering Who You Are

Heart-centered ‘hot seat’ coaching so you can reframe those limited beliefs that rob you of your time, energy & money and so you have the freedom you desire to create a courageous business that speak to your soulmate clients! This is not where I tell you what to do, or fix you, this is where I equip you! Training makes you good, coaching makes you great.

  • A Visibility Strategy That Aligns With YOU!

It’s time to co-create using your intution, without being a hustler,  even if you’ve been pushing down your inner child’s voice for a while

Imagine how your life will change when you start doing what you want to do instead of doing what you “should” be doing?

Imagine actually achieving your business vision, all your goals because you have limitless energy (plus left over energy) all day, every day?

What would it feel like to connect with people that know they need your help, so you serve from your highest self instead of trying to convince people that are not for you?

Unapologetic Visibility Academy is for you if you want to :

  • Work in flow rather instead against it in the private Facebook community you access support from fellow unapologetic ascenders, it’s time to co-create using energetic living, without being a hustler,  even if you’ve been pushing down your inner child’s voice for a while. [ALL ACCESS ONLY]
  • Receive monthly live activations in a sacred healing circle so that you’re empowered on the path of unapologetic visibility, love & truth, say goodbye to old vows that have you playing small. [ ALL ACCESS & BASIC]
  • Use the tools that the Universe channels through me and access the monthly healing in your secure membership area.[ ALL ACCESS & BASIC ]
  • Tap into monthly group mastermind so you can reframe those limited beliefs that rob you of your time, energy & money and instead have the freedom you desire to stand in your world changing power! This is not where I tell you what to do, or fix you, this is where I equip you! Training makes you good, coaching makes you great, this academy will make you extraordinary. [VIP ALL ACCESS ONLY]
  • Balance your energy so you work in flow rather instead against it in the private Facebook community for support from fellow ascenders, it’s time to co-create using energetic living, without being a hustler,  even if you’ve been pushing down your inner child’s voice for a while. [ALL ACCESS ONLY]
  • Receive monthly live activations in a sacred healing circle so that you’re empowered on the path of inner peace, love & truth, say goodbye to old vows. [ ALL ACCESS & BASIC]
  • Use the tools that the Universe channels through me and access the monthly healing in your secure membership area.[ ALL ACCESS & BASIC ]
  • Tap into monthly group mastermind so you can reframe those limited beliefs that rob you of your time, energy & money and instead have the freedom you desire to create a courageous life! This is not where I tell you what to do, or fix you, this is where I equip you! Training makes you good, coaching makes you great, masterminds make you extraordinary. [VIP ALL ACCESS ONLY]

Adding Accountability Partners:

You can combine the mastermind with an accountability partner or use accountability in isolation.

Here’s what I found that has worked:

Implement the 3A’s  

  • Authorise your accountability partner to have the authority to challenge you 
  • Agree on a plan for monitoring your effort as well as progress 
  • Always acknowledge your good performance 

In UVA you get access to support so that you can be equipped with tools to maintain your personal energetic frequency

So now you know how to create a mastermind and you’ve seen my invitation to join mine, what are your next steps?

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