A couple of years ago I was writing my eulogy (yeah I am dark like that). It was based on what my husband would say about me, a tribute to me! It's now part of my philosophy to be legendary, be celebrated not just tolerated.
There is No Transformation Without Implementation™
I didn't come to my philosophy to be brave, be love and be legendary over night and it's taken me a while to learn to accept it. But I wanted to share the condensed version of my nearly 40 plus years on this earth (so far).
Here's my story so far... I was pregnant at 19 years old. Something mother dearest didn't approve of so I was subsequently made homeless...
That time I dropped out of Uni...
I was not smart, I tried really hard but academia wasn't my thing or at least that is what I was told. I studied computer science and business studies at Brunel and fell pregnant so couldn't finish my studies as there was no one to look after son (no his unemployed arse didn't want to look after him). Eventually I got a job working as an administrator and then worked in sales
I absolutely loved talking to people all day and finding out more about them. I managed to sell ÂŁ120 million + in new business
...I am 30, realising what healthy relationships look like, after seeing it modelled via the people at work. I am not happy in my marriage and I tell my husband I need a break, husband dearest wasn't impressed so he kicks me and our children out. When I moved into a new place my friend of 18 years needed somewhere to stay so I let her. My landlord didn't like that and said I had to kick her out (she had nowhere to go so I said no). I got kicked out.
I noticed a pattern had emerged, every time I did something somebody else didn't like they will use their power to try and control me.
I don't blame any of these people for their decision I have learned to forgive them and more importantly myself. Why myself? Well, I had to take personal responsibility for my decisions. So I came to a crossroad thinking about my life decisions. How does someone who is savvy enough to work for corporates and make 7 figures for them get into a mess like this?
I had a I get angry, depressed at my current situation? or do I get my s*** together.
Needless to say, I chose the latter. I started to volunteer at the homeless shelter, even though I was sharing one room and one bed in a hostel. I knew I could still be grateful I had one room and kids that I loved more than life itself.
That time I found out about autism...
In my time of homelessness and self-discovery I found out my son was autistic (at the age of 11 it was pretty late). Then I found out I was dyslexic (at the age of 30 plus I think you would agree it was mega late). I do not know if the universe was playing a trick on me because weeks prior I was speaking to a homeless guest and he told me lots of people are dyslexic and homeless. Nevertheless, I created a local meetup group to meet other dyslexics so we could learn from our wins and losses and 80 people came, I guess they wanted the same thing too. I then created my mission-driven projects which focused on helping people with dyslexia, autism etc to learn digital skills and work as freelancers in my digital business.
That time I took my power back...
Ugly, fat, stupid where just some of the words that washed over me daily for 30 years. I thought this was the way people was treated, because that was my norm. When I finally realised the truth, it took a long time to heal. Because healing is transforming into who you always were and isn't pretty that is why it's often done in a cocoon. The tools I have gained to heal, to be love, be brave and be legendary are the tools I share wholeheartedly with the people that I have the honour of serving.
What is Being Love. Being Brave. Being Legendary?
It means empowering women with tools to love themselves wholeheartedly, live by your rules and create a ripple effect so other women can do the same
If I could help women heal by empowering them to create a legendary life, then wouldn't that be something?
I finally stepped into my true purpose of taking some of my lessons and empowering others, helping other women let go of the shame & guilt of stories that don't serve them and create their own version of a legendary life...THIS is part of being legendary. When I was homeless, the first, second and third time I realised a lot of my homelessness was about lemons. Me settling for lemons instead of demanding more from life. I was not meant for lemons and don't accept them anymore. We all make choices and there are consequences to these choices. However, when life hands you lemons you can either create really bad lemonade or throw those lemons back at life with a heck no...and say I ordered champagne darling!
Give me a heck yes, if you want champagne and you no longer accept lemons from life! I raise my glass to you and celebrate you and all of you that are being love, being brave & living a legendary life!
Being Love, Being Brave & Being Legendary
Here is where I share with you just a snippet of me living what I believe in, because...There is No Transformation Without Implementation™