Problem Solving In Sales – 8 Quick Steps

Sometimes in business, we come across problems.

Problems that we are too close to, which can end up with us feeling “stuck”. It is almost like a puzzle, where we can see all the pieces but we don’t know how to put the pieces in the right places so they make sense.

One puzzle piece that I needed problem-solving, was how to deal with a horrible client.  I recall a period where I had a web design client through my social enterprise agency. The project was straight forward, the client wanted to convert their current wix site to a wordpress and it was a referral so I couldn’t say no.

It was my first 4 figure client and I was so grateful to have one after months of doing websites that were £500 or less. I could do this with my eyes closed I thought.

My first thought…yes, I can actually afford to hire a dyslexic freelancer and make that social impact, the whole reason I started.

And I did, I hired this young web designer and finally felt I could delegate.

It felt like I had really started to make an impact, I paid my freelancer out of my own pocket because the client was taking ages to get back to me. I used my project management tools, scheduled tasks and promptly replied to emails, even implemented a service level agreement to make sure expectations were met from both sides…

I initially used thrive themes but realised the quality diminished, so then I used DIVI themes and spent hours changing the content from thrive…long story short, the project didn’t work out.


What I learnt from this is to follow my instincts when my gut says something is off. I dug a little deeper to reframe this project into a positive. I realised instead of labelling the client as indecisive and not knowing what they want. I knew exactly how to get clarity from a client and learnt how to be assertive. I learnt so much wonderful things from the client like how to have difficult conversations, how to communicate with different types of people and how to solve problems.

When trying to fix a puzzle, something that is a problem, it can be challenging having to figure it out, so here are some tips to solving problems in sales, in 8 simple steps:

1st Step: Identify the issues. Be clear about what the problem is. Change the language from a negative to a positive

Step 2: Try to put yourself in some else’s shoe’s so you can understand everyone’s point of view

Step 3: List all the possible options to resolving this …

Step 4: Evaluate the options (making sure they are win-win/goal aligned)

Step 5: Select the best option based on your evaluation

Step 6: Write down what you have agreed (formally or informally)

Step 7: Set A Deadline For When Things Should Be Solved

Step 8: Take Action And Solve Your Problem (while recording progress)

Logical steps help us to resolve problems that often appear illogical in nature.

I had to learn who my ideal client was not, the hard way, it took me almost 6 months to resolve this project, I lost money, time and I gained a whole lot of stress. For a period of time, I absolutely loathed website design because of the experience with this client.  I do not want you to stop your heart centred mission because you can’t identify your ideal client or you take one on because you’re constantly relying on referrals.

Schedule your complimentary call with me and let’s see if I can help you to stop relying on referrals and map out who your ideal clients are so you get more sales. Click here to book your complimentary slot ✊

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