10 Ways To Sell With Confidence [Warning: This Is More Fun Than It Sounds]

Transcription (kind of it’s not verbatim?):

I believe selling starts and ends with confidence. When you sell with confidence you’re saying you believe in what you’re selling, you believe in YOU!

To make sure I am confident I step outside of my comfort zone regularly. This pic is of me last week Friday (7th April) at my 2nd burlesque show where I created my own routine and performed in front of strangers.
I would NEVER have performed burlesque before.

? I used to be the girl that would listen to a partner who told her to go change because according to him what she was wearing didn’t look good.

? I would be the girl that would be in tears if a pitch meeting went bad. I would be the girl that would go out with douches that would say if you lost a little bit of weight you would be a 10.

? Now I’m that girl that is grateful for the people that she has met, that have left and are coming into her life.

? I am the girl that fails forward but loves herself regardless. The girl that has generated over ÂŁ120 million pounds in new business sales for companies like Epson, HP and Expedia group. So my question to you is…

? Who are you? What are you doing to step outside of your comfort zone and generate more confidence?

Here are my 10 tips to sell with confidence so you can start answering this question:

1. Sell with Confidence by getting your mindset right

This starts from the morning routine to the night time routine, it starts with setting intentions for the day to supporting those intentions with self-talk interrogation, to positive affirmations

2. Sell with Confidence By Creating & Following a Plan

Take inspired action with a plan that fits your lifestyle – There is no point in following someone else’s plan because that will lead to burnout. There are 8 ways to stay productive and 5 things we should avoid that are essential for our plans to be fulfilled. My program 10k Months™ is one of the coaching & training programs I have developed to help entrepreneurs like you fulfill short time and long-term goals.  You want to make sure you stay engaged in your vision even if they become less motivated (because in reality, we aren’t always going to be motivated to do things, our brain automatically strives for ease).


3. Sell with Confidence by Communicating with Clarity

We have many different ways we like to communicate with the world. In fact, let me take it one step further and say that we have different learning styles and like to receive information based on our own needs. Our ideal clients are no different, here’s how to speak your ideal client’s language

4. Sell with Confidence with Positioning 

Position yourself as an expert and get more visible.  You’re an expert when you decide you’re an expert. From posting engaging posts, getting your brand out there and being seen as a thought leader, be seen + heard.

5. Use proven sales processes and do daily sales activities 

Some people mistake activity with progress. They believe if they are interacting on someone’s meme then they are building a relationship that may lead to sales. That is hope marketing.  There is no point implementing a marketing plan that doesn’t lead to SALES. You can’t make SALES without marketing because without marketing you’re invisible. You’ve heard it all before, I hear you. But all this MARKETING you are doing is supposed to do one thing. MARKETING is supposed to start an ideal SALES conversation. Marketing helps your ideal customer to know, like & trust you, if you are doing it right.

6. Sell with Confidence by Adding Value

Create premium offers – to transform your ideal client’s life.  Help them at where they are at, not where you want them to be. Regardless add value to the world.

7. Get uncomfortable and take more inspired action

sell with confidenceIt’s easier to do the things that we can do in our sleep. These things come easy to us so sure, why would we not do it? Our lives truly begin when we live in the #uncomfortzone. Do that live stream, even though no one is watching (because someone is always watching). Create an event, talk at an event, either way do something! Live outside your comfort zone and challenge yourself by participating in community challenges which will help you to gain the skills of learning by doing in your business and increase your overall confidence levels ✊



8. Sell with Confidence by inspiring your ideal clients

Your ideal clients will hire you for the energy you bring. If every business is selling the same solution but the only thing that sets them apart is the energy they are bringing, then surely we are not buying based on logic. We are buying because of emotions. Think about how you’re showing up.

9. Bring in new leads that you can nurture on a regular basis

Set up systems and processes, create ways for people to get to know you 24/7. You can learn how to make easy sales online by booking your strategy sessions here

10. Sell with Confidence By Being Persistent

Do you know how many times I have tried something that wasn’t fruitful? Confident isn’t about taking action because you are guaranteed to succeed, it is taking action regardless of the outcome. You are one step away from success!


These are some of the steps in my core program that are looked at in more in depth in my 90  1:1 coaching program

If you would love to discover more about this 1:1 Coaching program to master your personal performance, processes & systems while receiving peak performance coaching!, I’d love to invite you to a FREE session with me, called Red Hot Sales.

In this FREE Red Hot Sales session you will:

•Uncover what is really stopping you from your best month yet.

• You will receive a customised next step plan

• You will go out completely reenergized & inspired to move forward with clarity

If you want to be a confident entrepreneur on a consistent basis then, let’s really talk. Book your Red Hot Sales strategy session

You deserve a life where you know your worth and are unapologetic about it!

Ruth-Ellen – Your Get More Sales & Growth Engineer Coach



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