A Step-by-Step Guide to Validating Your Feelings: Boosting Mental Health and Personal Growth

In this blog guide to validating your feelings, I will explore the importance of validating your feelings and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to do so effectively. Validating your feelings is a crucial aspect of emotional well-being, as it allows you to acknowledge and accept your emotions without judgment or criticism. By understanding the significance of this process, you can develop healthier coping mechanisms and improve your overall mental health. So, let’s delve into the steps involved in validating your feelings and discover how they can positively impact your emotional state.

Understanding the Importance of Validating Feelings

Blue and White Sky With Stars (Photo by Rafael Cerqueira)

Understanding the importance of validating feelings is crucial for maintaining good mental health and overall well-being. In this section, we will explore how rejection sensitivity can impact our emotions, recognize the detrimental effects of unvalidated feelings on mental health, and delve into the numerous benefits of validating our emotions.

How Rejection Sensitivity Plays a Part

People with rejection sensitivity tend to be vigilant for signs of rejection and often interpret ambiguous situations as evidence of rejection. This heightened sensitivity can make it challenging for them to validate their own feelings and seek validation from others.

When rejection sensitivity influences our emotional experiences, it can lead to a cycle of negative thoughts and emotions. By understanding this concept, we can develop greater self-awareness and work towards validating our own feelings without relying solely on external validation.

If you haven’t grabbed my journal, I forgive you lol. Grab it below and take the 5 day self validation challenge which is featured in the journal

The Rejection Sensitivity Journal for ADHD

When emotions get suppressed, they can end up being part of your tests

Validating Your Feelings Starts With Expressing Them Healthily

Recognising the Impact of Unvalidated Feelings on Mental Health

Unvalidated feelings, when left unaddressed, can have a significant impact on our mental health. When we dismiss or ignore our emotions, they can accumulate, intensify, and manifest in unhealthy ways. This can result in increased stress, anxiety, depression, and even physical health issues.

Validating our feelings, on the other hand, allows us to acknowledge and accept the emotions we experience. By doing so, we give ourselves permission to process and release them, reducing the negative impact on our mental well-being.

Exploring the Benefits of Validating Your Feelings

Validating our feelings brings numerous benefits to our overall emotional and mental state. Here are a few key advantages of practising emotional validation:

  1. Improved self-awareness: Validating our feelings helps us develop a deeper understanding of our emotions, enabling us to identify and address underlying issues more effectively.
  2. Enhanced emotional regulation: By acknowledging and validating our emotions, we can regulate them more effectively. This allows us to respond to difficult situations in a healthier and more adaptive manner.
  3. Strengthened relationships: When we validate our own feelings, we become better equipped to validate the feelings of others. This fosters empathy and understanding, leading to stronger, more supportive relationships.
  4. Increased self-compassion: Validating our feelings helps us cultivate self-compassion and self-acceptance. It allows us to be kinder to ourselves, embracing our emotions without judgment or shame.

By integrating the practice of validating our feelings into our daily lives, we can nurture our emotional well-being and contribute to a more positive and fulfilling overall experience.

Remember, understanding the significance of validating our feelings is a vital step towards maintaining good mental health. By recognizing the impact of rejection sensitivity, acknowledging the detrimental effects of unvalidated feelings, and exploring the benefits of emotional validation, we can empower ourselves to embrace and validate our emotions for a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Step 1: Recognising Different Types of Emotions

Understanding and validating your feelings is an essential part of emotional well-being. In this first step, we will explore different types of emotions, develop emotional awareness, and learn how to use emotional vocabulary to describe your feelings. By gaining a deeper understanding of your emotions, you can better navigate through challenging situations and improve your overall emotional intelligence.

Further reading: Alexithymia Coping Strategies

Recognising Different Types of Emotions

Emotions can be complex and varied, but they can generally be categorized into a few main types. By recognizing the different types of emotions, you can start to identify and understand what you’re feeling in specific situations. Here are some common types of emotions:

  1. Basic Emotions: These are the fundamental emotions that all humans experience, such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust. Recognizing these basic emotions can provide a foundation for further emotional exploration.
  2. Complex Emotions: Complex emotions are combinations of basic emotions and have a more nuanced and specific nature. Examples include jealousy, guilt, envy, and gratitude. Understanding complex emotions can help you delve deeper into your emotional experiences.
  3. Positive and Negative Emotions: Emotions can be further classified into positive and negative categories. Positive emotions include joy, love, and contentment, while negative emotions encompass sadness, anger, and fear. Recognizing whether your emotions lean towards positive or negative can provide insights into your overall emotional state.

Developing Emotional Awareness

Developing emotional awareness involves being attuned to your emotions and understanding their triggers and impact. Here are some strategies to develop emotional awareness:

  • Mindfulness: Practice being present in the moment and paying attention to your emotions as they arise. Take the time to acknowledge and accept your feelings without judgment.
  • Self-Reflection: Set aside regular time for self-reflection. Consider journaling or engaging in activities like meditation or deep breathing exercises to gain insights into your emotions.
  • Seek Feedback: Ask trusted friends, family, or therapists for feedback on how they perceive your emotions. This external perspective can help broaden your understanding.

Using Emotional Vocabulary to Describe Your Feelings

Having an emotional vocabulary allows you to articulate your feelings accurately. When you can clearly describe your emotions, it becomes easier to communicate them effectively to others. Here are some tips for using emotional vocabulary:

  • Expand Your Emotional Vocabulary: Familiarize yourself with a wide range of emotions and their corresponding words. Look for resources such as emotion thesauruses or lists to enhance your emotional vocabulary.
  • Be Specific: Instead of using generic terms like “I feel bad,” try to pinpoint the exact emotion you’re experiencing, such as “I feel disappointed” or “I feel frustrated.” This specificity helps others understand your emotions better.
  • Practice Self-Reflection: Take the time to reflect on your emotions and identify the specific nuances associated with each feeling. This practice can assist in developing a deeper understanding of your own emotional landscape.

By recognizing different types of emotions, developing emotional awareness, and using emotional vocabulary to describe your feelings, you are taking the essential first step towards validating your emotions. This newfound understanding will pave the way for further exploration and growth in emotional intelligence.

As Alex Aiono says maybe the truth is, silence isn’t golden

Remember, emotional validation starts with acknowledging and understanding your own feelings. Stay tuned for the next step in our guide, where we will delve into the importance of self-compassion and self-acceptance.

Step 2: Understanding the Difference between Validation and Approval

Validation and approval are two distinct concepts that often get confused. Understanding the difference between the two is crucial when it comes to validating your feelings. Letting go of judgment and self-criticism and embracing your emotions without resistance are essential aspects of this process.

Letting Go of Judgment and Self-Criticism

When it comes to validating your feelings, it’s important to let go of any judgment or self-criticism. Too often, we impose harsh judgments on ourselves for experiencing certain emotions. We might tell ourselves that we shouldn’t feel a certain way or that our feelings are irrational. However, this self-criticism only amplifies our emotional distress.

Instead, practice self-compassion and acknowledge that it’s okay to feel what you’re feeling. Remember that emotions are a natural part of the human experience, and there is no right or wrong way to feel. By letting go of judgment and self-criticism, you create space for genuine validation of your emotions.

Embracing Your Emotions without Resistance

Validating your feelings involves fully embracing your emotions without resistance. Often, we try to suppress or deny our feelings, believing that they are negative or inconvenient. However, resisting our emotions only leads to further internal conflict and distress.

Instead, allow yourself to fully experience your emotions without judgment. Lean into them and explore what they are trying to tell you. Recognize that every emotion has a purpose and acknowledging them can be a valuable part of your personal growth and understanding.

By embracing your emotions without resistance, you honor your feelings and gain valuable insight into yourself. This process allows you to navigate your emotions more effectively and move towards a greater sense of emotional well-being.

Image: Embracing Emotions

Photo of Women Embracing While Standing on Beach (Photo by Anna Shvets)

Image Source: Unsplash

In conclusion, understanding the difference between validation and approval is an important step in validating your feelings. Letting go of judgment and self-criticism, as well as embracing your emotions without resistance, are integral aspects of this process. By practising self-compassion and fully acknowledging your feelings, you can move towards a more authentic and fulfilling emotional experience.

Step 3: Cultivating Kindness and Understanding towards Yourself

To truly validate your feelings, it is crucial to cultivate kindness and understanding towards yourself. This involves offering self-validation and supportive self-talk, as well as embracing imperfection and emotionally validating moments. Let’s explore each of these aspects further:

Offering Self-Validation and Supportive Self-Talk

Self-validation is an essential practice in validating your own feelings. It involves acknowledging, accepting, and affirming your emotions without judgment or criticism. By offering self-validation, you create a safe space within yourself to express and process your feelings.

Supportive self-talk plays a crucial role in offering self-validation. It is the internal dialogue you have with yourself that promotes understanding, compassion, and encouragement. Instead of berating yourself or dismissing your emotions, practice speaking kindly and compassionately to yourself. Remind yourself that your feelings are valid and deserving of acknowledgement.

Embracing Imperfection

In the journey of validating your feelings, it is important to embrace imperfection. Recognize that being imperfect doesn’t make you any less worthy of validation. Imperfections are a natural part of being human, and they contribute to your unique experiences and perspectives.

Rather than striving for perfection, focus on self-acceptance and self-compassion. Embrace your flaws, vulnerabilities, and mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning. Remember that it is okay to feel a range of emotions and that they are all valid, regardless of any perceived imperfections.

Emotionally Validating Moments

Life is full of emotionally validating moments that can reinforce the importance of acknowledging and validating your feelings. These moments can be as simple as witnessing a beautiful sunset, engaging in a hobby you love, or spending quality time with loved ones. They remind you of the depth and richness of your emotions.

Take the time to notice and appreciate these emotionally validating moments. They can serve as powerful reminders that your feelings matter and are an integral part of your human experience. Embrace these moments wholeheartedly and allow them to further deepen your self-validation practice.

Volunteers Sweeping the Sidewalk (Photo by RDNE Stock project)

Step 4: Identifying Trustworthy Individuals for Validation, Communicating Your Feelings Effectively, Setting Boundaries and Expectations for Validation

Photo of Group Therapy Session (Photo by RDNE Stock project)

In this step, we will discuss the importance of identifying trustworthy individuals for validation, effective communication of your feelings, and setting boundaries and expectations for validation. These practices will help you navigate the process of validating your feelings and ensure that you receive the support you need.

Identifying Trustworthy Individuals for Validation

When it comes to validating your feelings, it’s crucial to seek support from individuals who are trustworthy and understanding. Here are some key factors to consider when identifying trustworthy individuals:

  • Empathy: Look for people who show empathy and understanding towards your emotions. They should be able to put themselves in your shoes and offer genuine support.
  • Non-judgmental attitude: Choose individuals who approach your feelings without passing judgment. They should create a safe space for you to express yourself openly without fear of criticism or belittlement.
  • Active listeners: Seek out individuals who actively listen to you, paying attention to your words, body language, and emotional cues. They should genuinely engage with you and make you feel heard.
  • Respect and confidentiality: Ensure that the individuals you choose respect your privacy and maintain confidentiality. This will enable you to share your feelings openly and honestly, knowing that your trust will be upheld.

By surrounding yourself with trustworthy individuals who possess these qualities, you can receive validation that is supportive and nurturing.

Communicating Your Feelings Effectively

Effective communication is vital when seeking validation for your feelings. Here are some strategies to help you communicate your emotions more adequately:

  • Use “I” statements: Frame your statements using “I feel” instead of “you make me feel.” This helps to express your emotions without blaming or accusing others.
  • Be specific: Clearly articulate the emotions you are experiencing and provide context when necessary. This helps others understand the situation and respond appropriately.
  • Active listening: Encourage active listening in your conversations. This involves being fully present, offering your undivided attention, and paraphrasing what the other person has said to demonstrate that you understand.
  • Non-verbal cues: Pay attention to your body language and non-verbal cues, as they can enhance the effectiveness of your communication. Maintain eye contact, use appropriate facial expressions, and consider your tone of voice.

By employing these communication strategies, you can effectively express your feelings and facilitate a more meaningful conversation with others.

Setting Boundaries and Expectations for Validation

Establishing boundaries and expectations is crucial to ensure that your needs for validation are respected. Here’s how you can set clear boundaries and expectations:

  • Communicate your needs: Clearly communicate your expectations for validation to the individuals supporting you. Let them know what you need from them, such as active listening, empathy, or validation without offering solutions.
  • Define limits: Clearly communicate what you are comfortable discussing or sharing. This helps create clear boundaries and prevents any potential discomfort or intrusion.
  • Mutual understanding: Seek mutual understanding by having open conversations about the methods and approaches to validation that work best for you. Understanding each other’s preferences will foster a healthier and more supportive validation process.
  • Reevaluate as needed: Regularly reassess and reevaluate your boundaries and expectations. As your needs evolve, it’s essential to communicate any changes required to those offering validation.

By setting these boundaries and expectations, you can ensure that the validation process aligns with your needs and promotes overall emotional well-being.

Remember, identifying trustworthy individuals, communicating effectively, and setting boundaries and expectations are essential steps to validate your feelings and receive the support you deserve.

Step 5: Gaining Insights and Understanding from Validated Feelings

Gaining insights and understanding from validated feelings is a crucial step in the process of emotional validation. It allows you to delve deeper into your emotions and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. In this section, we will explore how to identify patterns and triggers for validation and how to utilize validated emotions as a catalyst for personal growth.

Identifying Patterns and Triggers for Validation

Identifying patterns and triggers for validation is an important aspect of emotional growth. By recognizing the recurring patterns in your emotions, you can gain valuable insights into the underlying causes and triggers. Here are some steps to help you identify these patterns:

  1. Self-reflection: Take a moment to reflect on your validated feelings and try to identify any recurring themes or situations that trigger these emotions. Are there specific people, places, or events that consistently elicit certain emotional responses? Pay close attention to any patterns that emerge.
  2. Journaling: Keeping a journal can be a powerful tool for identifying patterns and triggers. Write down your validated feelings and record the circumstances surrounding them. Look for commonalities or similarities between different situations.
  3. Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness meditation or other mindfulness techniques to cultivate awareness of your emotional experiences in the present moment. By staying present and attuned to your feelings, you can identify triggers as they arise and gain a deeper understanding of their impact.

By identifying patterns and triggers for validation, you can begin to unravel the underlying causes of your emotions and gain a better understanding of yourself.

Using Validated Emotions as a Catalyst for Personal Growth

Validated emotions not only provide you with a sense of validation and acceptance but can also serve as a catalyst for personal growth. Here are some ways to utilize validated emotions to foster personal development:

  1. Self-Reflection: Engage in regular self-reflection to gain a deeper understanding of your validated emotions. Consider how these emotions have shaped your beliefs, behaviours, and relationships. Use this insight to identify areas for personal growth and set goals for yourself.
  2. Seeking Support: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or professionals for support and guidance. Sharing your validated emotions with others can provide valuable perspectives and help you gain further insights.
  3. Taking Action: Use your validated emotions as motivation to make positive changes in your life. For example, if you have identified a recurring pattern of feeling undervalued in your professional life, take steps to assert yourself and set boundaries.
  4. Learning and Development: Embrace opportunities for learning and personal development. Attend workshops, read self-help books, or engage in therapy to deepen your understanding of yourself and acquire new skills for navigating your emotions.

Remember, the journey of personal growth is ongoing, and utilizing your validated emotions as a catalyst can lead to profound transformations in your life.

Two People Standing on Field (Photo by Min An)


Validating your feelings is a vital step towards self-acceptance and emotional well-being. By acknowledging and accepting your emotions, you can better understand yourself and others, leading to healthier relationships and improved mental health. Remember, validating your feelings does not mean you have to agree with them or act on them; it simply means giving yourself permission to feel what you feel without judgment.

To validate your feelings, start by recognising and labelling your emotions. Then, practice self-compassion and empathy towards yourself. Allow yourself to experience your emotions fully, without suppressing or denying them. Seek support from trusted friends, family, or professionals if you find it challenging to validate your feelings on your own.

By validating your feelings, you empower yourself to navigate through life’s challenges with greater resilience and self-awareness. So, take the time to honour and validate your emotions – they are an essential part of your human experience.


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